Capital Costs |
Capital Costs
You define obstacle removal costs prior to pit optimization and all other capital costs prior to scheduling.
You can define the following capital costs:
Location dependent obstacles: defined by an outline (digitized in Studio NPVS or imported) with removal cost attached. All optimization programs starting with Pit Optimizer take these costs into account. To define obstacle removal costs, create a Pit Limits 3D Object with “obstacle” regions and choose this object in Pit Optimizer's Options dialog.
Pushback startup costs that affect Scheduling and Mine Flow optimizations, defined in Scheduler’s Capital Costs dialog.
Period specific costs whose timing may change with mining rates, defined in Scheduler’s Capital Costs dialog. These costs affect Scheduler and MAO NPV estimates and Mine Flow optimization. MFO will adjust (move to an earlier date) the timing of the expenditure proportionally to the increase in mining rate affecting NPV calculations and overall optimization results.
Period specific costs independent of mining rates, defined in Scheduler’s Capital Costs dialog. These costs affect Scheduler, MAO and MFO NPV estimates.
Location-dependent and startup costs are taken into account during scheduling optimization.
All capital costs are included in revenue and NPV calculations whenever they are relevant.
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